The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1 1 I 13 THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD. THURSDAY. MAY 21. 1936. GOOD FORM.

RUGBY UNION TEAM Newcastle Outplayed. NEWCASTLE, Wednesday. The New South Wales Rugby Union team of 1936 should develop into one of the moat competent all-round sides that has represented the state, on the evidetice of form in the match in which it beat a Newcastle representative side by 33 points to 9 at the Newcastle Sports Ground this afternoon. The significance of the when disparity it in the score ran only be appreciated is realised that on the Judgment of practically every competent critic of Rugby Union In the district the Newcastle side played the finest game seen from post- northern districts side, and still had to capitulate to the speed, power, and thrust of the New South Wales attack. The match passed through four distinct stages.

In the first, which Insted for the first 20 minutes of play, members of the New South Wales fifteen were still trying to commit thdividualisms that had won them personal sucCL55 in club football, and were falling victims to a dour Newcastle defence. In the second, practically every player on the New Wales side subjugated ideas of personal glory to development of combination. The third stage, in which the team combination developed to the highest pitch, produced flood of tries and came midway through the second half. In the fourth stage. the Newcastle players, outweighted, outpaced, And outmanoeuvred, fought back at New South Wales with glowing courage which is certala to remain memorable with all who sAW it, and succeeded in keeping to comparatively manageable proportions Score that might have reached the hundred against a northern side of ordinary calibre.

Gibbons, at half-back, was the shining star for New Bouth Wales. There was no weapon in the armoury of a scrum-half which he did not exploit with success, Richards, at five-eighth, seemed slow in comparison, but his generalship contributed to his side's suecess. Rankin was dominating in the threequarter line, and, in addition to one fine individual run, gave An object lesson in subordination of individual capacity to team effectiveness. Kelaher'8 pace though sometimes not his football--was impiessive on the wing. and O'Brien, the other winger, showed the makings of a Arst-class man.

Bedford, the full-back, was unimpressive. His vacillation paved the way to Newcastle's solitary try, and his Ideas of running his side into position might caused trouble more than once. 3-4-1 SCRUM. The New Bouth Wales forwards played inArr disadventage. Under Instruction to adopt the 3-4-1 scrum combination, they confirmed the Idea of many footballers that that formation Is not Ag good As the orthodox 3-2-3.

For most of the match, despite frequent failures In the scrums, they concentrated on securing 8 tair share of the ball to their backs from line -outs and rucks. Every member of the pack showed Arst-class when the chance came his way. Most members of the light Newcastle side rame out of the game with their reputations enhanced. They were at a disadvantage in That every member of the New South Wales 10am of 19 was given a run, and had four completely fresh players against them at half-time. The Neweastle forwards were all good, with Gillett and Clarkin most prominent.

The backs were more effective then could have been expected in the circ*mstances. Hills at outside centre, Smith on the wing. and Wells at full-back were the best. Hawkins. 11 five-eighth, did several spectacular things, including the individual run from an intercept which gave Newcastle its only try.

but his detence was shaky. The scoring of the match opened with penalty goal kicked by Hills for Newcastle. Tries by Gibbons, and Richards, one converted by Rankin, gave New South Wales lead of 11-3 at haft -time. In the second half, Malone, Kelly, Ide, Rankin. Richards, and O'Brien scored tries for New South Wales, and Rankin converted two.

Hills kicked a penalty, and Hawkins scored try for Newcastle. GOOD PERFORMANCE. Pacodal in Record Time. Few better efforts than Want of Pacodal in the Pourteen-one Handicap at Rosebery yesterday have been seen at A mid-week meeting for some time. He has always been A pony of class, but yesterday he overcame many diffculties and displayed stamina to beat the tavourite.

Lady Milton, by half a head. Pacodal WAS slow to move. being last when the field settled down. He quickly improved. but having had an outside barrier position.

he had to race outside several horses. When the turn was negotiated he again covered much extra ground. Straightened up, he set out after the leaders, and gained a meritoripus victory, his time being three-quarters of second better than the record. Blue Devon made the running from Fortalpus and Valoria, and they were followed nt the -mile by Pacodal, Princess Wood, and Digland, with Lady Milton and Jutalee the ja8t two. Jutalce smartly away but cropped back to last in the first furlong.

Jutalee Into the straight, Lady Milton. like and Pacednt, was forced to go wide. One backer plunged the totalisator, spending nearly 100. Hall of that amount went on Lady Milton, whose dividend consequently WAS the smallest of the day-2 6 for tach 5 invested. The stewards held an inquiry into the running of Jutalee, and questioned Britt's handling of the mare.

They reported that the explanation of the connections was accepted, and that, between the four and three furlongs, futalee had to be checked off the heels of Princess Wood. DISQUALIFIED. Owner-trainer and Jockey. Following an inquiry into the running of Blanche in the Seventh Division Handicap Albion Park yesterday. the trainer.

Audrews, the jockey, C. O'Brien, and the mare, Blanche B. were disqualified for twelve months. Blanche ran third in the race BETTING PLUNGES AT ROSEBERY MEETING. EARLMINSTER'S FAILURE.

Of three outstanding betting plunges Rosebery yesterday, two were successful In the first division of the Three and Four VERIS Old Handicap, Cognac and Onsis were the only horses backed at first, but strong support came for Cloudy. As much as 8 to WILE inid about him, and at the finish he was equal favourite with the other pair at 3 to 1. He jumped out smartly, and did not relinquish the lead. Cognac made up ground from the straight entrance, to run second. Brushwood, third, was in the arst four from the time the held settled down.

Plenty of 5 to 1 the feld WAS bet In the first division of the Daceyville Mile, one of the early favourites being the winner, Irish Morn, who receded to 10 to Earlminster became the rage. From little 6 to 1 he firmed quickly to 6 to 4. He never looked A winner. He failed to get away on terms, was still 3 good way back at the half-mile, and tired 80 badly over the last furlong that he finished last. Irish Morn led all the way.

In the straight he veered out wide under pressure, and carried the outsider, Fleet, with him This pair had a great tussle, and the finish WAS the rails by Golden Gate. The judge gave made more interesting by a strong run near his verdict to Trish Morn by half a head from Golden Gate, with Fleet A similar distance away third. Irish Morn and Fleet appeared locked together. Many people anticipated protest on behalf of Fleet, and expressed surprise when Golden Gate separated them. Although long price was not offered about Adye for the second division of the Daceyville Mile, the backing was so substantial that she hardened from 7 to 2 to 6 to 4, ousting Melba Eaton from favouritiam.

Adye was not prominent early in the race. She did not get within striking distance of the leaders until the half-mile, and then sustained A long run. She went so fast when straightened for the judge, that she led at the furlong, and came home clear winner from Melba Eaton and Silver Foam. She was ridden by D. Lightfoot, who also had the mount on Irish Morn.

Brevities. Club The June meeting of the Rosehill Racing will take place on the 13th, and not oll the 30th. Entries for the fixture close on close Tuesday, for June 2, on which day nominations all of the Important spring handicaps. Acceptances will be declared to-day at o'clock for the Moorefleld Club's meeting on Saturday. the meeting the close Victoria to-day At Park 4 o'clock Club for Nominationa Racing nes.

Wednesday. ture Weights for the Menangle Park Club's fixnext Tuesday will be issued this morning. GOLF. MISS M. McLEISH WINS AT RICHMOND.

MISS CORRY'S FINE ROUND. outward half was a grand effort. COMPETITION RESULTS. Miss Molly McLeish, whor* defeat of Mrs. Clive Robinson in the Royal Sydney assuciates' championship, caused surprise, won the Nepean-Illawarra district open championship at Richmond yesterday.

Miss Payten, of Campbelltown, tied with Miss McLeish, but withdrew from the Miss Castleberg (Wollongong), with a score of 85, won the close championship, Miss Payten again tieing, but withdrew. The handicap event in conjunction with the open championship was won by Mrs. Clark (walIncial, Miss Payten and Mrs. Jones belltown) were the winners of the toursome scratch score, and Mrs. W.

B. Walker and Miss M. Campbell (Richmond) the winners of the four-ball. Richmond won the teams' match Its representatives being Mrs. Clements.

Mia. Ross, Miss Campbell, and Miss Pulsford. did In order, perfect weather, with the links in splenthe Blue Mountains Ladies' Colt Association Canadian commenced Its winter meeting Two with a foursome par at Katoombs. Manly pairs tied for first place with 5 and up-Mrs, Mrs. B.

Glynn Barker and and Miss J. Burt (14), Mrs. (22). count back over nine holes favoured the latter fields combination. will be There were for 51 entrants, but the inrger the next couple of days.

A field of 110 took part in the Moore Park There open competition for the Robb Cup. WAS (Ryde-Parramatta) A tie between Mrs. T. O'Shea and Miss Rosser (Eastlake). They will play-off on Monday.

Miss M. Corry, of Strathfield, had the best scratch score. Her card of 80 read: Out, 6. 3. 5, 5, 3, 5-39; in, 5, 5, 4, 5.

K. Smith 171 -Invitation and Miss mixed Carr four- -ball (101, 9 pAr: C. Mosham and Mrs. Gadwallader up; M. up.

Banks Martin And end Mrs. Onle 125 up: Mrs. T. M. Banks 1251.

6 up: D. Simpson G. 191 And Mre. Simpson 0. Stewart 1111 112: and Mrs.

Stewart Ellison and Mrs. Ellison 6 up. Seventy-eight competed. OATLANDS. Open four-ball.

best ball par: R. O. Binckett 151 and K. J. Vaughan 1111, up: W.

Brown 1101 and B. Fit: patrick 6 up: Alexander and D. McCarthy A Laker 1131 end W. Winch (111 and H. Finali up: McManamey and A.

Chariton 151. Beat sctatch score: R. 0. Blackett and Vaughan. 2 up (Sixty competed.

ROSEVILLE. bent ball par Downes 121 and W. Bmith up; Spencer Langley and and J. Wright Saunders 1151, up, 9 uD: Francis 18) and V. Witteronge 7 R.

O. Nall (81 And Harvey up: Tomlinson 18 And H. Berry up; R. A. Paterson and C.

Paton Eharpe 1101 and Bimonson up: up: E. Cooke 110. And 8. Brown 1151. Wade Pirle 19) and and F.

A. C. McPhee Florence 2 up; up: 0. (101, Williams (9) and 8 Riley 191. 2 up: C.

P. Chapman 10: and Wilmott (181 2 up. (Forty Pin yed at Bonnie MILLING, Doon. A Grade: Ireland BAKING. AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES 84-18 60: 0.

J. Moore, 80-- Judge 80 -16. 72 R. Margie. 86 Lawther.

93. -19, 97. 18, 70. 74: J. grade: Waite, W.

88- Ardill. 92. Broughton. 96 24. M.

D. Purvis, 93. 96 J. W. Stephenson.

Benn, 96 03- Cole. 13; Tuck, M. Matthews, Pileber, 102 78: 75; 6. Reeve, 98- Butell. 102 RETAIL Andison.

100 GROCERS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVEL78. LERS' ASSOCIATION -Played at 77- Ryde, 60; "Super E. Early Morn' 15. trophy: 68; W. N.

May, 92-24. 68; A. J. Rayment, Henderson. 83 0.

Read. 89-19. 70: R. Jones 71. 70: Best gross score: T.

Pollett, K. Love, 87--17. 70; 82. Colley, Best 89 net -16. score for grocer: R.

L. Jones, 70. Best net 68. score Without for handicap commercial players: Grocers, N. traveller: RATMay, Handicap 68, players.

commercial traveller. Fletcher 142, Best Harker 142: 76. aggregates: players. R. Approaching M.

and Williams, putting: 132: for M. MeShane, 153. from Cooper 10th tee: Long non-handicap, driving: C. Gilham, 236 yards. Playtord, 215 yards.

BOWRAL -Burchell Shteld: Club 6 Bundanoon matches to Park 3. beat KATOOMBA. Bowral Par: T. Dickin 1131. square, Country Golf by Stableford: O.

H. Championship: 1251, R. Webb beat 35; P. Jones, 21 1141, 35 and Club 6: beat P. Tabrett.

A. M. Soper, beat T. Porter. 4 and 3, and Grade Lees bent and 6: Sones beet V.

J. Brady, W. 5 and Webb beat G. L. Briggs K.

Smet- bent N. Thorbuta, Greenwell, 3 6 and 2. and Stroke: G. Chapple. Stableford Murray.

four-ball: 23 W. 114:, 37. Stretton and R. LEURA. Viekera.

Stablefore, (81 47: J. Denshy and 4 B. Hessiein and Walker, 32 44: R. Macintosh and 0. Stevens, 38 cOn.

35 LAKES 44. 72 -Invitation four-ball: A. THE 181 par McCrYstal 1101. 10 up; W. E.

Kippax 19. W. F. Cool: 1141. 7 up: J.

Ginman Brown and 6 up; N. Potter and 18 M. and Guv 1101. Cusack up: H. 1101 Reid 17.

6 up. Chown 161 and R. J. A. Harvey Basser 0101, 5 up: w.

Sanders and 1201 C. and Hurt (15), 5 up: 181 tr V. held Bear 1201 and McGill W. 1. Dixon 181 and J.

Sumpson 181. up, up: T. Roger (0) and A Boyle 1147, 4 up One hundred compried ASSOCIATES BLUE MOUNTAINS Tournament: Mr. Glynn Playen and Katoomba, Nelson 1221. 5 up twin on count back Mrs Canadian foursome: Mrs.

1221. 5 win on count Mrs. Mrs. Barker Nelson and Miss up Burl 114, 5 up. Miss Franklin and Miss Welsh Wentworth Palls), (Wentworth up; Falls Mrs.

Seragita up: Mrs. Eden and Miss Eden 3 up and Miss Wilson Ferris abd Mrs. Jones (Laura), up Mrs. Miss. Macdougall end Mia Dunion Mrs.

La henster Kienby and Mra, Savage up. Mrs and Mrs Margeton (Lith2ow up Mrs. Webb Quarter and and Mice Miss Turnbull Oglivie. I down: Mrs. square.

Grimn Royal Milne and MISS Miss Colgrave Whitehend (Leuta down: down, MiSS Stewart And Moore and Miss P. Wede (Blackhenth cown: down: MIS Mt. Brown And Mrs. Finlay Weldon and Mrs. Green Went worth Falls.

down: 3 Mrs. down: M155 Parkman Harvey and Miss Harvey and down: Mrs. Bentley and Miss Miss Hudson 3 down: Mrs. G. Grimn And Holtsbaum and Mr.

Tant 4 down: MIn Cluyton (Blackheath), 3 down: Mrs Mrs. Smith and Mich Kitchen 1 6 down CARNARVON, Stableferd DAT for Miss Shelley trophy Mrs. Marshall. Meyers, 8 1351 44: Mrs. MeHuzh.

Pat19 terson, (94) A 47: 1331 Mrt. 41: Graham. 17 40: Mr. 10 (201 38 Miss Abel. 1151 36.

Par handican, held In con function for Mra Mra. Gambie's trophy Marshall Graham 1361. 1931, 11p. Miss Abel up, Mrs. Mesera up: MeHuch Mrs.

MIs. Furniss Mrs. Patterson 1331 com- 54. petition Muswellbront -Silver division: Mrs. CENTRAL NORTHERN DISTRICTS Hemphill Steelworker, 16.

89 Miss 13. Bell 76: MrA. 02 Brown IN. 76: Neve (Waratah) 87 -10. 77; Newcastle.

94. 18. MeGill K. O'Hara (Mu 15. wellbrook), 74: 79.

Bronte division: Mrs. Barwick 100- Deamant, 26. 100 -26, Mrs. W. B.

McKenMrs. Robinson 95. -20. 75. Teams match ele 310: Cessnork.

315: Maitland, 317; Deaman. Newcastle. net 319: 322: Muswellbrook, 324: 324- Steelworks. 328; Aberdeen, 332. Stroke: Silver Scone, division Mrs.

Sumnet, 87 71: Mrs. Remphill. B9 13, 76: Miss Bell, 92-16. Barwick. 70.

Bronze 100 Aisbett, 100 21. 100. 73: MIS. 14. CHATSWOOD Mrs.

-Stroke: McCullough. Robinson, 110- 36. 74: J. Priest, 111 75 Mra. McCluna.

110-36 Mra. Hanley, 123 36. 87. CRONULLA. Third round of L.G.U, and monthly 68, meda)n.

silver division: Mins Couldery. 65: 13, Mrs. Bronze 99 -32. 67: Mts. Shepberd.

96 -19. 77: Mrs. Brooks, Shaw, 99 1 -19. BO Mrn. Brooks the Kirschler, Mrs.

monthly medal Mist Couldery has reduend to 12 to-day, and she has entered for the State chamipionship. and her third foursome year as stroke, a player. Mrs. Forsyth' trophy: -Canndian Mrs. Glen and Mrs.

Watt. Mrn. Kirkland and Mrs. Riches. 88- 48 Mr.

A M. Morris and Miss, Thomson. 73: Marsden and Mrs. Sly. 74: Gent and Miss Mrs.

E. Hystop. Binnle 100 90- 15: Miss Miss Graham Graham and Miss E. Perry, 91- Mrs. and Punts And Miss Wilson.

98 -20. 78. Forty MONA VALE (par Miss Alford 1361 Lapthorne 112) and Mrs. Doble 1161. ap: Mrs.

and Mrs. D. S. Buttenshaw 1361. 8 up: Trousdale (211 And Mrs.

Webb 1181. up: Mrs. up; Wick- Mrs. Pegler 133 and Mrs. Mrs.

Stever Rowley (30), TIRI. 3 up. Mra. tru Lapthorne and Mrs. Doble (9 down won the best and gross MOORE score.

PARK. Robb Cup: Mrs. O'Shea, 92-23. 80 MIRE Mandel. 91 90 -22.

-19, 69: 71: Mrs. Cooper, Ewing. 89 97- -18. 25 Mrs. Mrs.

Craig, 101-29 72: Milburn, 90 Mrs. Wells. Davies. 80 89- 15 73: 73: Mrs. Mrs.

Giddings, Ellis, 97 73. Mrs. Mrs. Samuels, 85 11. 74: Mra.

WhatInore, Parker, 84 MisS M. Corry. 80- 75: Mrs, 13. 75: Mrs Bennett, 99 75: Miss F. Whiting.

9. 75. Best 36: scratch Mrs. score: Franklin Mias 101- 69. tOne hundred and ten competed.

Corry 80. Handicaps. 30 LO DISTRICT. Open pionship at Richmond, Valer, Results 85: Open Miss Paton Championship: (CampMiss helitown! MeLeish 85: (Moss McCulloch 1 87: Miss M. Campbell MIRR Crowe (Liverpool.

90: MIAs Donion 96. Close 92; championship: Miss Plaskett Campbelltown), I Wollongong. 85: Miss Paton Mrs. (Campbelllown, 85: Miss M. Campbell Richmond Mist Crowe 90: MiKe (Campbelltown), Kershaw 92: I Rich- Mrs, mond 92: 92: Mrs.

Davies 95: Mias Donion Dove Miss Pinskelt 98: Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. handicap: Miss McManus 99- Bowland (Thornton Hall. 99. Stroke 72: Mrs.

Dove 95 73 MiNs M. 37. Campbell, 88- 74: Mise Paton 'Campbelltowni. 85 Miss Crowe 90 75: 90 MrA. -15, 75: MIsS (Thornton Hall.

107-31. 76: Mrs. Dean Kuton Corr 99 23. Stroke handiero. in conjunction with the close championship: Mrs.

Clarke, 100- 30. Miss 70: McManus Castlebert (WalWollongong 85- 72: Miss 71; Kershaw 92- 10. 73; Mrs. Dove 22. 73: MIs Incia.

99 Paton (Campbelltown), 85 11. 74: Miss M. handicap: Campbell Mrs. (Richmond Clarke 88 (Wallacial. -14.

100-30, 70: Miss McManus 14. Long markers' 99 pulsford Mrs. Corr fRichmond), Thornton 112--35. 107 Miss 77. FIXTURES.

NORTH BRIGHTON -Open amateurs four and ball, profes: sionals. par Post entries accepted. Times reserved ball competition by telephoning GW9741, batt. best hell par competition to-day. Post four entries accepter.

Timer Open reserved by telephoning UX7931. HORSE EMBARGO. Diseases in India. MODERN IMPROVEMENT. EXPERIENCES IN TRAINER'S STABLES.

Mr. Alex. Higgins, the Australian trainer, who has been settled in Indis for many years, advanced evidence yesterday in IA your of the lifting of the embargo against racehorses from India being permitted to come to Australia. Mr. Higgins said that India to-day and India of 50 yearn ago were two vastly different countries.

Indis had kept in step with the advance of science much as possible, and fully qualined Government and other veterinary surgeons had been able to combat many of the diseases of which horses suffered many years ago. "1 cannot And any legitimate reason for the retention of the prohibition," he said. have been in India for 18 years. My brother Roy and myself have more than 70 horses under our care at present, most of them for some of the richest men of the country. We cannot recall any one of the thousands of horses that have passed through our hands suffering seriously from: any tropical disease.

Some of our rich patrons have frequently given a thoroughbred stallion that has broken down, and with whom it has not been desirous to persevere for racing, for a yearling valued nt 100. It has to be remembered also that some of the best blood is in India, We have number of Blandford and Tetratema mares there. would suggest that the Federal Novernment should secure statistics from veterinary surgeons in India. It would then realise the great work that had done, and the few horses Indeed that had been affected. "I notice that the prohibition has been in force in Australia for great many years.

That, to me, Ls the trouble. If modern conditions were taken into consideration, I think that at least a material modification of the embargo would be warranted. I can recall horses that have come here and to New Zealand from India, via England, within the Inst 20 years, among them being Roubaix and Pombal, the sires of Nord and Prince Pombal respectively. "Other rich patrons of ours who would be only too anxious to send horses to Australla Include the Raja of Bobbili and the Parla Kimedi. The former Was in Australla number of years ago, when he purchased more than 50 polo ponies.

He 1s still a keen enthusiast. It is not difficult to imagine the great value it would be to Australia if the embargo WAS lifted. VArious international contests could be arranged, including polo and golf. There would then be every likelihood of America also sending teams. "The position to me is somewhat have all incompre- the hensible.

Here In Australia you facilities for nutdoor sport to attract people from India during their off-season but yo compel them to gO to either France 01 England, and the amount of money spent by them and their staffs is ennrmous. The horses In India can go to those countries without the slightest trouble It seems remarkable that they cannot come to Australia DUKE CALEDON To be Trained by J. King. SENT TO WOODSTOCK. Arrangements bave been completed for the chestnut gelding.

Duke Caledon, to he prepared by the Randwick trainer, King. Duke Caledon has been sent to property at Woodstock. Since he first went into training. Duke Coledon, who has always been regarded a 8000 W. A.

Dunn. The gelding broke down several galloper, has been trained by his owner Mr. months ago, but has since had a lone spell. and only recently returned. King has given Oro respite, and the chestnut has also Rone to Woodstock for his holiday.

HALL MARK'S FUTURE. MAY RACE. AGAIN. There still possibility that Hall Mark will race again, his owner. Mr.

C. B. Kellow sald In Melbourne yesterday. Mr. Kellow added that Hall Mark was well and had thrived since his return from Adelaide He was fit to go on with preparaof his retirement to the stud bad been referred not be made for a das or two.

The question tion for Spring racing. but a decision would to Mr. Herbert Thompson, pi the Widden Stud. to which establishment Hall Mark will eventually 20 Much depended on the answer MAGNITAS' SUCCESS. COWRA DIGGERS' CUP.

FROM OUR SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE COWRA Wednesday, Magnitas. who for some time WAS sidered likely to prove a good advertisem*nt for Peter Riddle's stables at Randwick. has reached his level To-day he was decorated with the ribbon symbolising success In the Cowra's Diggers' Cup. Recently he WA3 cured by Mr. W.

F. Rose, grazter, of Galong. for pienic meetings, and the cup was his first success for his new owner. The Cowra Diggers' Club bad the use of the Cowra track to-dav And the meetina was one of the best in Its history date receipts were almost double last year's. Sport began well with Gallipoli Welter in which there was a dend heat between Kooky R.

and Red Phonic with Marsh's Pride, winner on Tuesday, In third place Right the post ant of the trio could have been the winner. Lorikeet and Stat Number tried to keep the Reveille Encourage Handicap (D themselves by clearing away from the field the first. two furlongs F. Davie, on Santa De took a hand, beginning at the turn into the straight, and he had the race won more I furlong from home An easy win wAs recorded by Lads Peggy in the Estaminet Flying Handicap, Mr. J.

dolshy. who won with Adra at the picnic meeting. and his brother. Mi. R.

Golsby, pre sident of the Pienle Clue, had Burden engaged. and win would Have been popular Burden looked like accomplishing it after ho had beaten off Lady Collarol turning tor home, but Lady Peggy made solid run on the outside to win with little in hand. the horses passed the post Burronda Marsh tell. giving Keir A heave fall, Rider And horse escaped Injury, Magnitas won the Diggers Rebate Cup length by wud neck from Mackintosh. with a half away, Magnitas pushed through in the straight In a very close naish, and narrowly stalled off Mackintosh, who came home equally well.

Cylanta, who has made a name for himself in recent months, was not equal to the occasion, although crowding near the rails in the straight contributed to his defeat. The Grassed Handicap was won by Jindabyne by a head from the -owned don, who beat Moonbucca comfortably, Mr. Jin- P. dabyne gave the sportsman. C.

Julian. his first winner in the two deys. Mr. Julian is one of the stalwarts of country racing, particularly picnic meetings. and has, probably won more trophies than any other owner.

Scinthorne had the barest of leads in tront of BIll Cottingham in the Last Post Trial Handicap, Leumeal being third POINT BLANK REFUSAL. STUBBORN JOINT FAVOURITE. Backers of Point Blank, one of three Joint favourites in the second division of the Three and Four Year Old Encourage Stakes at Rosebery yesterday lost Interest In the race As soon as the barrier rose. Point Blank's refusal to start was as good AS his name. He dwelt at the post, and then whipped round.

taking no part in the race. At a subsequent inqury, the stewards reported the that the filly had been disinclined to face barrier. Majesta at one stage of the race led Glabrio by three leneths, but the latter gradually reduced the distance from the three furlongs, and over the last furlong had the race well won. Although Lady Granwin sinished last. she showed good pace in the carly stages, and when in her class should do better.

Master Cyllene came home strongly from a lone way back, and should also improve. SYDNEY CRICKET GROUND TRUST. Mr. M. A.

Noble, the elected representative on the Sydney Ground Trust, of members of the ground. will address them meeting in St. James's Hall, Phillip-street, tonight on the control of the ground and cricket matters generally. The Minister for Lands (Mr. Buttenshaw) will preside.

LAWN TENNIS COMPETITION RESULTS. WOMEN'S DOUBLES (YESTERDAY GRADE. Glentern Motte 5-41, 3-33: Motte Remah 11. 0-27. 8-40: Awabra, fotfrom Wheatleigh.

GRADE -Division Wheatleigh Weann. 2-29: warrimoo Alwyn, 0-12. Division 2. Belvidere Warrimoo 4-39: Boronia Olentern. 4-30, 4-40.

GRADE. -Division 1: The Beach Coral Lynn. 1-21, 7-46: Northbridge Lane Cove, 5-38 3-28: Challenger Warwick 7-48. 1-26. Division 2.

Elsmienh 11. Telarno, 5-41, 3-32: Glentern Mowbray. 2-32. 6-43. B2 GRADE.

Division Lane Cove beat Warwick 0 sets Riverview. 6-39. 2-20 Glentern til. 11, 4-50. 2-31; Gratton Olen de, 8-48.

0-12. Division Chatswood beat Mowbray seta to Good Companions Melishe 3-30. Namol. forfell from Division 3: Mowbray Harbridge 4-40 each: Gleutern 1. 1-32.

1-45. Division 4: utimban Olen fern 3-26, 5-42: Haroridge Karmala, 4-38, 4-34: N.C.C, brat Grafton 6 seta Lo 2 B3 GRADE. -Division Craig- Nor Sunnyhurst, 5-40. Salisury 3-34; The Ferndals 8-48. Gretton 0-22.

Division 8-42. Beach. Challenger Aysigh. 4-31. 4-30: Oration Namol, 5-39.

3-30. GRADE. -Division 1: Challenger Frontier. 7-45. Division beat Rive lin.

sets to 1: Maraba 2-24. 6-42: Traita Challenger 7-46. 1-36: Ourimban bent Aysigh. 5 sets to RESERVE GRADE. -Division Ranclagh Traita, 2-29.

6-43. Division 2: Ralycon Olenfern, 3-37: Rivelin beat Prestabyn. 5 sets to 3. Outlook Fernbank 1-38. Division The Beach Challenger.

1-29, 7-47: Fernbank Grafton. 0-25. 8-48: Awaba N.C.C.. 5-39. 3-38.

C2 1: Frontier 1. Thiseido. 8-48, 0-19: Ranelagh bent 5 sets to 3. Division 2: The Beach Challenger. 1-15, 6-41: Ranelagh beat sets to Avon beat Frontier 11., 8 sets to 0.

MEN'S DOUBLES. A GRADE -Naremburn 11 0-17. 8-48; Borda v. Middle Harbour, 5-40, Northbridge Oarisbrooke. 1-18.

7-45: Naremburn bye. A2 GRADE. Commeray Cevu. 8-45: Middle Harbour Norshbridge I 1-19: Northbridge I. Lane 4-39.

Glentern Durazo, 7-47 1-27: Borda I Borda 5-37, 3-32. GRADE DIVISION Borda Chatswood 4-30, 4-37: Telarno Orafton, 4-33, 4-36: Wiltoughby, bye. DIVISION 2. Karmala Boro3-36. 5-42; Kooinoo 5-42, 3-31: Carisbrooke Nauroy.

4-33. 4-30: Chatswood 6-44. 2-24: Belvidere Lane Cove. 4-42, 4-31. B2 GRADE- DIVISION Weons Kimberley, 5-39.

3-29; Ranelngh I. Carisbrooke. 1-22, 6-45: Karmala Northbridge 4-31, 4-30; Alwyn IL Macquarie 6-44 2-26: Chatswood. bye. DIVIBION 2: Macquarie I.

Alwyn 7-46: Cleland Byron. 7-42. Karmaln 1-31 Lane 8-43, Ranciagh Cove 0-18. Borda, bye, B3 GRADE- DIVISION 1: Rangers ton 6-44. 2-27; Nauroy Ranelagh, 7-42.

1-24; dos IL. Boronia, 2-27. 6-43: Tahmoor clifford Love and 1-38. Frontier, bye. DIVISION Cammerav Kandos 1.

7-46. 1-23: Remah Valeeta, 6-40, 2-37: Grafton I. Rangers 1-32; Challenger Derby, 1-25, 6-39: Northbridge. bye. ORADE -DIVIAION 1: The Beach N.C.C.

3-30. 2-28 Northbridge Cuthbert's. 8-48. 0-17: Alwyn 11. Crooners.

3-31. SION Derby 3: Tahmoor 8-48; Rivelin. bye, Riverview. 4-34. 4-29: rings The Beach 6-42.

Clifford Love and Co. Nuke. 8-48. 0-9: Alwyn 1. bve.

MIXED DOUBLES. Middle Barbour Le Vere I1 1. 1-22. Willoughoy. 1-21, Vere I.

2-31. 6-43: Naremburn 11. NaremBorda. 7-45. Thiseldo burn 1, 2-25, 6-46.

RESERVE GRADE -The Beach Glenfern, 1-23. 6-40: Borda P. 5-39, 3-37: The 1-34. Beach 11. 5-34, 3-31: Lane Cove Belvidere Chatswood Bords I A 5-43, 3-37: Willouchby 4-38 A2 GRADE.

-DIVISION 1 Durazo Wheatleigh. 6-44: Middle Harbour Chatswood. 5-34. 3-31: Borde Koala 1-20. Glentern Willoughby 1-21: Enterprise Cammeray It.

6-40. 2-31. DIVISION 2: Willoughby It. 1-22: Middle Herbour 2-31. 6-46: Thiseldo.

3-31. 5-40; Koala 1. The Beach. 7 Willoughby IV. Cammeray 1..

3-36 3-31 finished): Belvidere 11. Boronia. 6-40 2-28. GRADE, DIVISION 1: N.C,C. 11.

Coral Lynn 3-38, 5-43, Weona 1 Chatswood 3-32. 4-35: Graften Astor 5-42 3-20: Wheatleigh Alwyn 8-48. 0-28: 11. Thiseldo. 2-31.

6-42 1. Willoughby MI. 3-32. 5-45: 'The 1-38; Beach beat DIVIEION 2: Charnan Nerora 7-40. N.C.C Weona: Acacia Belvidere 111., 4-39; Boronia Borda -30.

4-35 DIVISION 1 3 Corona I Olenfern 1. 3-38. 5-41: Willouchby Windarra 6-42; Salisbury Harbridee. 2-29, 6-42 Belvidere Kimberler ween. It R-42.

7-27. Cammera 2-28. 6.41 DIVISION Belvidere Remah, Windarra Borde 2-30. 6-39 Willoughbr IV 1-31: Roseville Park Corona 0-12 8-18 Glentern 11. Lane Cove 3-30.

5-40 RESERVE GRADE DIVISION Weena Roseville Park 11., 2-28. 6-46: Astor Braeside 1. 4-34 4-39 Chatswood 111 Challenger, Chatswood Grafton 6-45. Borda Mae. B-38.

3-39 DIVISION Wattle Rosevine Park 4-37: Hampden IV. 5-38. 3-35. Braeside m. Wanderers 11.

3-40. 5-39: Coral Lynn Weens 4-37 4-37: Ranclagh. 4-38. 4-35 DIVISION 3: Grafton 11 lswood 11 9-31, 8-44: Wanderers 1 NevADA 4-33. Harbrider Hampden 5-43 Corona 4-31 Bliabana Aldersyde, 3-95 GRADE.

DIVISION Sunnyhurst. Del. Keith 8. 5-39, 3-30 Harbridge 4-30: Kia -Orr Prestabyn. 5-43 3-33 Boronia Charnan, 1-20; The Reach, bye DIVISION 2: St Francis Xaviers 0-24.

Remah, 5-36 3-38 Datkeith 1 Wanderers 7-47. 1-30 fluka Kia-Ora -98. 7-47: Wattle DIVISION 3: Artarman Melishe 11., 3-30. 5-38: Ferndale, 11 Telarno, 4-32. 4-39, Roseville Park Pacific 2-34 6-38 Macquarie Chatswood.

5-42, 3-39 Wanderers 1., bye. DIVISION Alwyn Keema. 1-22 7-46: Willoughby Ferndale 1, 7-47, 1-21; Melishe Sailsbury, 6-45. 2-28; Roseville Park Wattle 4-33, 4-34: Fanterprise, B3 -DIVISION Yendys Warwick 5-40. 3-29: Riverview 3-34.

4-13: leets Aysigh 0-13. R-4R: Wanderers Sunnyhurst, Roslyn I Line Cov Presbyterian DIVIRION Dels Kaba, 1-27: The Beach Tahmoor. 2-25. St. Francis Xaviers N.C.C 0-19, Warwick 1, Run 11.

5-43. 3-98: Aldetayde Avons 5.40 DIVISION Itangers Waltle. Frontier I. Gienmore 4-40, Wyvern Cleland. 4-30.

Traita 8-46. 0-20: Thiseldo Borda 2-29. 6-48 DIVISION Macquarie I Troifa 11. 3-30 5-41 Aysiah IT. Wyvern 6-40.

9-23 Namel Keemn Lou WADA 7-46 1-18 AvDas Valesta 5-40. 1-34 DIVISION Acacia. 6-43: D. Astor A-48 0-20, Remoh The 5-39. The Rosive I1 Cuthbert's.

bye. GRADE DIVISION Myee Top 0-19 8-48: Quaker's Hat Acacia 1 Cammeray, 4-38- Roseville Park 1-43. Raneloch I. Electana, 3-98: DIVISION Frontier Roseville Park 1-32 DIVISION a 1. The Oske Harcourt.

1-45. 0-15. Byron Telarno 5-40. 3.10. Rec ChornAn 8-48.

0-18: Reena Wattle 11.. 5-41 3-31 Tocal Tralfe, 5-33 Westlen Amburst 8-48. 0-33: Quaker's Hat 3-34. 5-40: Dels Kabi N.C.c. 0-17.

8-18; Valets Hillside. 3-33. R-44 DIVISION Tahmoor Roseville Park IT. Telatto Rantlagh 4-36. 4-35; Wattle Acecta 8-48, 0-8i Borda Tocol 1-13 CHAT1.

bye. RESERVE GRADE. DIVISION Rantinch Toon l. 1-20 1-45: Harcourt Frontier 0-18 8.40 Roseville PArk 5-39: Wyn some bye DIVISION 2 Keena. 0-8 8-48: Seine Westin h-43.

3-20: Top Might The Rock, 3-25 Roseville Park 11 2-37, 0-43: Ranelagh bye DIVISION Acine 1 0-17- Mynora Myer Grosvenor 11 D-19. 8-18: Crooner 2-23. 6-41: Aleedn 11 bye DIVIBION Acacia 9-31. 5-39: Challenger 1. Mynora 11 6-42.

Grosvener Myre 01.. 1-15: 01 Craig- Nor. Outlook GRADE DIVISION Frontier 6-43: Gamma Glen Cawarrie 0-18. Keirose 11 Lousana 1-91; Rivelin 1 Holly wood 2-21. 6-46; The Rock 0-24 DIVIBION 2: Braeside circle 8-48: Prestabyn Gamma Glen 11.

6-45. 2-26: Merlin 11. Roseville Park 3-28: Hollywood 1 Rivelin IT 8-48. 0-14 Tahmoor bye. DIVISION 3 Merlin Wilma 1 1-21 Kelrose 1-13, 3-34 C.C 5-40.

Braeside Cawarrie A-97 11 9.90 Glengarry Outlook 1-20 The Bench hre MEN'S DOUBLES SUNDAY. GRADE DIVISION Cove. Middle Harbour 111. 8-4B. Middle Harbour Naremburn 6-44.

Borda I. Outlook. 2-25 6-41 DIVISION Carisbrooke Middle Harbour 11. 1-13, 7-51: Thiseldo Borda 1-40. 7-50: Koala, 5-46.

3-42, A2 GRADE DIVISION 1. The Beach Bordn 11. 3-35: Cammeray, bye. DIVISION 2: Bords Corona, 5-38. 3-32: Borda I.

Cevu. 6-41 2-35: N.S.P.R, club Glentern. 1-27. Boronia, 6-55. 2-35.

Willouehby Strathallen grade, 11. 5-43. 1: 3-38 Daikeith Chatawood division 4-33 4-32; Rainbow Koala, 5-41. -38: WeonN 3-29. 5-40; Belvidete 11 Challenger 11..

8-52. 0-9: Salisbury, bye, Division 2: Nauroy Grafton 3-31. 5-41: Chatswood Belvidere The Beech 5-41. R-48 Weons 0-17: 11. Challenger N.C.C.

4- 1, 4-42: Windarra 3-36: bye. 0-26, Division Grafton 3: The IT. Beach Aysigh. TI. 7-48.

Windarra 1-23: WIl. loughby Reserve Grade. Wheatleigh, -Division 3-56, 1: 5-61; Norfolk Borda, bye. Thiseldo. 6-53.

2-41: Harbridge Roseville Park, 3-25. 5-41: Aldersyde beat Enterprise; Macquarie Willoughby 5-48, 3-43; Weons 2-36; bye. Hampden Division I. Remah Harbridge 2-33. 6-48: Weona Ill.

Outlonk Belvidere, 6-43, 6-43. 2-27: Navana Grafton. 5-44. 2-25: Arcadia. bye.

Division 3: Weens 7-45, 1-22: Hampden 1. 1-98. 1-46, Bywong Kin Ora, 5-43, 3-33; Boronts St. Francis Xaviers. 3-34 5-41: Warwick.

bye, B2 grade, -Division Avaigh Warwick, 3-37 5-42: Karmala Rangers 6-54 2-42 Wan derers Boronia, 6-44: N.C.C. 11. St Hellers. 4-40. 1 Carisbrooke, nets to 6 Division 2: Chatswood 9 Melishe 5-45, 3-41: Roseville Park Brancourt.

7-49 1-25: Corona Alwyn 1-26, 7-52: Borda Wattle 11.. 6-47, 2-31: Traifu Macquarie 6-49. 0-23. Division 3: Astor Ourimbah, 4-37, Rangers Acme, 2-28, 6-43: Reividere The Besch. 4-37, 0-42 J-32: N.C.C.

Mosman O. Depot. 0-15. R-4R Division Alwyn 11. IT.

6-53. 2-40: CAmmeray Macquarie 1. 7-50. 1-29: Wattle 3-30. 5-40, B3 -DIVISION 1- Boronia Bridgeview.

8-48. 0-17: Riverview Aysigh. 4-46. 4-62: KimV Mauroy. 6-46.

DIVISION ICincora 2: Alpha Valeet, 3-40. Arcadia, bye. N.8.P. Rec. Club.

1-23. Brancourt Ferndale, 6-38, 3-31: Kia Remah, set to 7 sets: Macquarie Tralfa, 2-35, 6-45; Wattle Mowbray. 2-33. 6-46. DIVISION 3: The Oaks Amburat 4-30.

Dela, Northbridge. Kaba 1-95. Kandos 7-45: Stirling 1-47, 1-21: Astor Harcourt 3-21. 5-41: Graften 8-48. DIVISION 4: Keston Mynora.

3-44, 5-49: Kandos I. Rosin. 8-43, 2-38: The Bench Rangers 5-47. 3-39: Outlook 4-39. bye, DIVISION 5: Avons Berkley Acme 1 Dalkeith, Amburst 3-45.

2-34; Outlook Old 0-9 8-49: Rangers I. -DIVISION Brron, 0-14. 8-33; Rapeligh Rockies. 8-63 famol Frontier 6-42. 2-33: Pernbank DiVisION cosin Kincorn 0-9: Frontier DIVISION Central Roseanne Depot to Raneisch 1.

bye. RESERVE GRADE. -DIVISION Crooners NORTHERN SUBURBS Outlook, 8.48, 0-11: Astor Dels 6-51 2-39: Waratan N.C.C. I 4-30. 4-37: Araluen The Beach, 2-42, 8-50: Mynora.

DIVISION 2: Westlyn Chip Chase 6-42, 2-28: The Rockies Grosvenor, 1-24. 7-47: Plight I. Hilstde, 8-49. 2-44: Warringa Alderayde, 8-48 0-18: Wynsome I. 5-30.

3-38. DIVISION 1: Ferndale N.8.P. R. Club. 3-41.

5-45: The Rock Tocal. 1-26. 7-49: Keenia Cawarrie, 7-46 1-19: Frontier. 3-37, 5-42; Harcourt byt DIVISION Pacine Myse 8-40. Top 0-IR: wyn some 8-46: N.

C.C. 8-81. 0-41 Chip Chase bye, 02 11. GRADE 8-48, 0-6; Outlook Central, 1-29, 7-31: DIVISION 1 Grosvenor rose Broklyn Malvern 0-11, 8-48: Ourimbsh aye DiVision 2: Trelivn Namon. 8-49, Avon 9-33: Rec, 6-47, 2-33: Byron 1-19.

1-47; Malvern I. Keema, 2-23. 6-30; no side piny: bye. Kelrose DIVISION 3: Roscanni, RantNetters Breeside cirete 2-37 8-51: Avon Brooklyn 5-41 3-36: Crooners bye. 4-FLEMINGTON.

MIXED MATCHES. -The Camp Elden, 5-42, 1-10: Beret A1 GRADE. Canberra 3-33, 8-45: Kamira rodra 5-41 4-42: Canberra f1, Arnotta. 2-38, 7-19 A2 GRADE, -Kashmir Kurnel': Casro, Kooroore 1-34. 8-52: Zoar Kuruell, w.o, to 6-42.

3-40. sel, BI unAnished: Roma The Camp 6-49. 3-39: Wyoming. sets to Bettville Relonia 1. 1-37.

8-49. Elsdan Catro, 7.48. 2-29. 7-51. B2 2-20: GRADE- Casro DIVISION Ivanhoe.

1: 5-42, 4-35: Sunshine Winston Disdan 5-44. Roma. DIVISION 9-54. Kelvin 7-48, 2-27 Retiew Danzol. ton.

Day 2-26. Dawn 7-52; Alvasion, Gowan BraD Sunshine 6-1 6-17. 3-37, Elsdan 3-36 CI Winston. ORADE 8-52. 1-20; DIVISION CASTO Kookaburra, Belwill 5-33: Roylands RIS Bellwill Bree.

DIVISION 2: 1. Alvaston Boronia 3-36. 6-44: ArdlOw Harlequin 5-41. 4-40; Wyoming Crewood 4-41. DIVIBION Boronia Ardiow I.

Claughton 1. 2-32. 7-52; Casa Mia 4-34 IL. 4-38 5-421 Royal Havana, 5-41: wal RoylAnda w.b, to Roylands. C2 GRADE.

Hilleo Retlew. 5-41. 4-36; RosHarremai 8-32, 1-96: Havana Roslyn 11. 4-41 lyn Hilleo IL. 5-44.

4-38: Kookaburra 5-43. MEN'S DIVISION. 7-47. 1-21: 2 The Camp Canberra, 4-37, A1 GRADE -Boree W. 0.

to Borce; Kashmir, 6-46. 2-32: Ivanhoe Arnotts B2 GRADE Parkview, 6-48, 2-38; Alvaston Eisdan, 1-30. 7-53; Dantol 1. DAy Dawn. 4-39.

4-38: Roma Claughton, 6-49, 2-33. C1 DIVISION 1: Govan Brae 1. RosLyn 5-30. 3-26 2-38. 6-50.

Roviands DIVISION 5-40. Bell will Boronia Kelvin Alvaston. 5-41. 3-37: ghton Glen Rosal. DIVISION 3: 2-27; Roylands Ardlow 11.

Anclave, 6-37: 6-45. Bellwill 6-49. 2-29. Kookaburra Rowan 5-40 Roslyr IT. Hamilton 11., 5-34.

3-25 ILLAWARRA SUBURBS. MEN'S DIVISIONS: wiirbo. 6-40, Kalonie, 3-21 Leyhoime Maroc. 3-37 Ronbrat, Leyholme 1. 2-31 (unAnished! 12: Our Pals.

Ace High. 1-24: Walworth 3-43. Golden Grove. 3-35, 7-45 Aloha 1-31: Yahdoo 6-39. Bonnie DooD, B1: Leeholme, 6-50 2-31; 5-31.

Carlourie, 1-25: Sebrot, 5.41. Glen Avon. 3-30: 0-46 Richmond, 2-39 R2: Leeholme, 6-30, Our Pals, 2-38 Acneas, 7-49 Riverina. 1-22: Olen Avon 5-40. 3-36, Rawene, 6-41, Gatsford, 3-30 B3 Macquarie 8-45: Crescent, 2-32; Carlowtie.

6-46 Pellx, 2-35 Melrost, Brent wood, 1-28; Gals6-44 Weerone 2-31 B4: Lorado. 7-46 Ace High. Lea, 7-40. Yongala, 1-21: Orion 6-44. Lindles, 2-31: Winooka, $-44, Clavelly 2-33 Orion.

B5: 2-21: Yale. Blue Peter. Lorado, 7-48. Ganella, 1-23; 1-26: Sebrof. planade abye.

c1 Bendolba 7-52. Macquarie, 1-33 Maroo, 1-50, 1-20, Selwyn 8-49, Lindley 0-6. Clovelly, 3-36. Caloola. 3-35 (shed.

C2. Yale, 7-48 Mononia, 1-27; Fells, 6-43 Aeneas Strollers 5-64 Selwyn. 2-30; Re wene 4-43, BI Michael's 1-3R Rendolba 5-38. Wendy. 3-34: Wattletrove Ronbree 1-34 Riverrlen 8-48 Strollers Coolangatta, Bellevue MIXED DIVISIONS: 6-47 Al: Sorrento, Richmond 3-29: 4-38, Wongarbon, 8-49.

Katie 0-19: Bombells Kewpie. 4-39. Ronnoc, 4-38 4-35. A2: Tabourle, 8-46, 2-33 Bowbells, Coolangatta Ibyet BI: Mononia, 0-00: Wollero! I 5-38. Crestwynd, 3-27: Reno, 4-40 Vailala.

3-32: Maroc, 5-40 Clevedon, Rezent, Brunga 5.42. Vallala Crescent, 1-36 R2. Wynall, sorrento, 2-32, Astra, 4-38, Bolaro, 4-36, K50- roota 1-38, Kewpie 4-39 B3: 8-50 toba 0-27: Riverina, 5-42. Miranda, Windsor Weeroona, 1-35; Avonlee, Kooroore. 1-28 R4 Regent.

Langston. Tabourle. 6-42. Lauriston. 2-35.

Brundeh. 5-46 Brentwood 5-40 Blue 5-41 Bontile Doon. 1-31. 5-38. B5 Ohio Wimbledon.

1-27: 4-42. Wongarbon, 5-41 Bolero. 1-25; Bonnie 3-40: Kilterest, Inglewood, 0-12. 86. Kilauea, 6-43 Richmond, 2-28: 4-38.

Kenrae. 2-33 tun National 5-46. Oxieigh 3-34 Moss-side. 7-47 finished Windsor, 3-35. Darley.

3-32 1-27, Hillcrest. 5-44. Esplanade. 1-21 witoma B8. 5-39.

8-49 Feltenball. D-21 Crescent. Astra. Olympians. 1-39: 6-53.

Gladstone. 8-50. Ardatit. 0-23. 89.

Burley 4-43. Andover. Reno 0-24, 1-40 Cleverion B10. unAnished: Narelian, 4-35. Wynall 4-33: Jerrara Ronnie Doon.

Beroona. 6-43 Wiltawyn 1-30; Metrose. 7-50, Wla wera. Wallareh. Caloola, 1-24.

B11: Wimbledon, Tettenhall, 3-43; Segenhor, 3-33, Gownnlen, Palmyra 2-27 runnnished; Leighton. Gadahill 5-51. Beroona 2-47 B12; 4-29; Karoola, ton. Dalmase. 6-40.

2-28; Palmera, 2-29 B13. Rockleigh. 4-37, H.R.L.. 3-31 Silverwood. 4-39: Andover.

4-33 Ulen joy 5-39. Bundah, Tarandi, 4-36. Ganella 2-11 2-34: Rendezvous. Bria Kings tol. grove.

Marathon Gladstone, CArE me 4.39 B15 Rebutal. 4-41, Wendy 3-37 Winook 3-37 5-31 lands Beltons. 8-53. St. 4-31: Michael's Beverley 0-24 816.

Mirambeel. 4-43 Coolan. A 6-53. Reutama 2-31 Gadshill, 7-47. 1-23 C1: Karoola 7-44 The Avenue.

1-28: Koala postponed, Austral, The 2-38 Tar andi, Winooka 8-50. Witta wyn, 0-26: Bristol 51 1-31, C2 6-43 Pines, George Theatre, Beronna. B-48 National 0-16. C7: Reliantree, 6-49, Sophenis 6-44. 2-34: desvous, 4-41.

Hillvies 4-35- sureka River vien 2-36: R-40 Orieich 0-17 Glen C4 lone brook 7-43. 0-99: AL Rehutat IneBire, Kalowa 1-26 Hillvien 8-51. 3-38, Beltona 5-43 Phochet Austral. 3-34 Willoette C5 4-33 not 8-45. Romani.

Reutama, 1-36 Rockleigb 4-37: Rainbow. Glen 7-48. wood Crest- 3-33 hills, rundnishedr, 1-26 C6: Willoette, 6-48, Kismet 2-33; Aireens, 6-51, Bundeh. Ashleigh, 3-38 07: Predinnock 5.40 Kilauea, Limarno 3-31: 0-19. Jerrara, Onkdene, 4-39 4-39.

Ardeer. C8: A 4-36; Glenora grove. Birachmore 6-46 1-23: Gadshill 43. 2-35: Yackaloon. Olympians 5-30.

Westbourne, 8-48. Ardeth. 8-51. 0-14 CM. George United.

Theatre 3-42, Hills bone 2-28 Koolah. 0-28 Atreene 4-35, Dewdrop 3-39 5-46, Hitomiss. 6-39 Avalon, CIO. Wanda, Pararo, 4-33. Eureka bone, Melton Oakdene, Vin1 cent unfinished.

3-32 cil: Patare, SI 4-31. George Theatre Marks. Wanda 3-31 4-31: Dewdrop 4-40 3-73. 8-39. Ashleigh, Tredinnock 7-48 2-91 Winooka, Mirande 1-33 6-41 012: Silver wood 3-35: Bou-Saada.

Wy-wurrie 5-39. Glenora 1-30. Caramar 4-36. Fernicy 4-33 013: United. The Pines.

3-41. Phoebet, 5-39 Mirambeck, 1-26; Coolab 1-39 Melvon. Romani 1-33: Bellevue, 5-40. Hit C14: Koolah. 4-42 4-34.

CorowE 4-41: GeotRe Menudra, 0-25: Theatre. Crestnill byer CIS: St George Theatre, 3-32: 6-44. Mantidia BallanM-48. 2-25; Marathon. Weleum.

0-12; (bye C16: 5-44. Warree, WY 1-33: wurrie 5-40. Bou-Sande. 6-42. Woodlands.

2-32: Albert Breeside: 3-37: bye grade: Braeside, 3-31 5-44. Aloha 81 Marks Capes 3-42 Ohio. Lauriston thorne 1-20 Vincent tbye: MEN'S BADGE MATCHES. Draw for Saturday FIRST ORADE, SECTION ROUND Sydney I. SECTION 2, ROUND 3: University Royal Sydney Strathheld 1.

rickville Western Suburbs Juniors, Western Suburbs Lakemb4 SECTION Warringal 3. ROUND Killara Il, O. Members IL Sydney 11. Petersham Blairgowrie, Mauls Kuring-gai G. Mem Graduates bers 111.

Ashield. SECOND GRADE, SECTION ROUND Hit Glen Hunter's Hill IL Beecroft 1. University War Kinchie Marrickville 11 Hunter's ringan 11. Lakemba 11., Marrick ville Kuring- bye gal SECTION Strathneld ROUND Manly Roseville Cheltenbam Mosman 1 Cooper Park L. Botany Members V.

SECTION 3, ROUND 3: Neutral Bay Roseville IL. Chatham University Warringsh Warrawer wood Eastwood Ill. SECTION ROUND 3: Linddeld, University IV. Petersham 11., Hunter's HUI LIL Neutral Bay 10. G.

Members VI. Eastwood 11. Mosman 11 SECTION 5. ROUND 3: Marrickyille IV University Roschill Roseville Gleti Kinchle I L'ville-N' wood Lakemba SECTION 6. ROUND Lakemba 3: Mosman Beecroft Manly TV.

Chatham 11 Kuring-gol Marrick Park ville Aurwood Strathheld IV. Cooper Birchgrove SECTION ROUND 11: Warrameh 11. Petersham IV. University University VI Bircherove viti wee G. Members VIt Members Cheltenham In bye.

Burwood THIRD 11. GRADE Rosehili Hunter a A Hill feld University Warrawce VT. Botany 11 Birehgrove Motman FIXTURES. W. HARDCOURT ASSOCIATION 8 championships.

commencing on June 21 at selected Birthday associa tion courts. and continuing at the King's week -end. June 21. 28. and 29.

Matebes will commence at 9.15 a.m. Entries close on June 8. WESTERN -Hardcourt Association John Bromwich, A association and W. Sidwell In exhibition matches on courts. Waimesstreet But wood.

on Saturday, At 7.30 p.m, Kay, the Victorian member of the team for will probably play 17 In Sydney on that date. WESTERN SUBURBS. -Harcourt Association: Tournament for and crade doubles on Western Suburbs hardcourts. on Entries be telephoned to Mrs. D.

waltes Drummoyne 6311. Proceeds in ald of the court fund. Western Suburbs Association Annual tournament. Draw for open events, Sunday- -No. court: p.m.

H. Moss H. Lewis: Turvey 3 and p.m.. Lewis Maidens MArtin: Moss and Tout. No.

2 court: p.m.. O. Kendall H. Belts (A); p.In.. W.

Tytherlelch winner of DULWICH HILL NIORT CHAMPIONSHIP Draw for to-night: 3.15 C. Willard Young. R. Woods Hams and Mrs. Near Miss O' and Mias 8.

Moore winner and 0.15. Gore C. Oreenstein. R. Roger: Harne.

L. E. KING'S DEPARTURE. 1530. King, the New South Wales Rhodes Scholar for left tor England yesterday.

presented kold wristlet watch. suitably inscribed, at the Lawn Tennis Oround on Sunday King will play in some of the English tournament nefore settling down to his studies. SUSPENSIONS. SIX JOCKEYS. Interference in Races.

Five jockeys were suspended for causing interference and another for giving misleadevidence at An inquiry at the Moonee Valing ley meeting yesterday, The suspended jockeys were: H. Badger, three months. for causing terference on Brian to Ardenalis (J. O'Brien). Setting Sun (K.

Voltre), and Star Leaf (H. Foster) shortly after the start of the first division of the Maiden Two-year-old Handicap. A. Dewhurst, two months. for crowding interference the held on Dignitas and causing shortly after the start of the second division of the Malden Two-year-old Handicap, D.

Bourke, two months, for causing interference on Brilliana to Blazer (F. De Valle about a furlong after the start of the second division of the Maiden Two-year-old Handicap. De Valle, one month, for giving misleadevidence at the inquiry into the interterence to his mount, Blazer, Two-year-old in the Hand- second division of the Maiden CAB, Newton, one month, for causing interTerence on Boonewa to Peggy O'Neill and Hartigan approaching the half-mile post In the second division of the Trial Handicap. Couch, one month. for causing interference on Sky Writer to Northwind and Altchengee rounding the turn near the six furlongs post In the Compensation fodders, rider Handicap.

of GayIn addition, A brooke in the first division of the Trial Handicap, was severely reprimanded for causing interference, and all the riders in the Arst division of the Maiden Two-year-old were reprimanded by the stewards for not having given their mounts a preliminary. UNIVERSITY ROWERS. SYDNEY CREW FOR PERTH The crew to represent Sydney University in the Inter- University eight-oar championship of Australia left last night by train for Perth. This race carries the Oxford and Cambridge Cup. Sydney being the present holders.

The race is to be rowed on June 6. over course of three miles on the Swan River, H. K. Dettmann (stroke, Is the only member of last year's winners included in the crew, which 18 boated as follows: J. Massie (bow), H.

R. I. Cox (2). Dey 13). D.

LOW (4), R. O. K. T. Moodie (5), C.

Robertson (6) J. Bevler (7), H. K. Dettmann (stroke) Clarke (COx), The crew averages 11st 81b and is coached by Mr. F.

Page. WRESTLING. MATCHES AT STADIUM. wrestling season will commence at che Rushcutter Bay Stadium next Monday night, with: match between Harry Kent aDd Juget Singh. Wrestling will then thke place each Saturday night.

The boxing match arranged for next Monday night. between Maxie Rosenbloom and George Simpson. has been moved forward to the following Monday. June Preliminary boxing bouts to the wrestling contests which open at the Rusheutter Ray Stadium next Monday are: Light weight Junior champion of New South Wiles: Jor Hell Huchie Meheran 110 rounds Harry Cohen Frank Cartwright Jack MeRell Les Stone four rounds). TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME.

TURF. Receptance. Victoria Park nominations. 4 p.m BILLIARDS Exhibitions by Walter Lindi am David Jones George-street store Sessions 19 10 p.m and 4.45 p.m BOWLS. New South Wales Queensiand.

'bird test match. 1.30 o. CRICKET Mt. Ground M. members.

Nobie's St lecture James's to ardtiev Fall. Crieset Phillipstreet. 8 p.m. A. Brown, the at the Y.M.CA 6.15 p.m BOLF.

Associate competitions: Woolbuvers and Ship: ping representatives, at Manly: Electrical Ana Radio Association, AL The Laker: open competitions Carnarvon and Brighton. INTERSTATE BOWLS. NEW SOUTH WALES WINS RUBBER. QUEENSLAND EASILY BEATEN. The second howls match of the series between New South Wales and Queensland, played at North Sydney yesterday, was won by New South Wales 115 to 31.

New Bouth Wales thus won the rubber, and is now only one behind Queensland in rubbers since the matches were inaugurated in 1904. New South Wales has won 23 rubbers and Queensland 24. New South Wales yesterday scored in every rink in the first end. and with thi good start. went on to an easy victory.

Sargeant opened with a capita. four, and Gordon (Q.) retallated shortly afterwards with an equally good four The Queensland rink played well, but Gordon did not display sumcient Judgment in rink play, and missed the only effective means of combating Sargeant's rink. With the capable Mason 8.5 hie third. Gordon had the necessary material to use in forcing tactles. Instead, he relied chiefly on the draw shot.

and was beaten 23-16. Love, as second for Sargeant, played a fine game. McNeill (N.S.W.) WAS scarcely pressed, after he compiled five oh the 5th end. and tour on the next. Maggs led well, but second for McNeill, monotonously altered the position to McNeill's In vous, Two fours and four threes were included in his score, which mounted to 36 Against Chapman's 21.

Chapman played several delightful shots, but he usually had too big a task when his turn to play came. Pidgeon (N.S.W.) had a strenuous game against the resourceful and accurate draw shot, Dr. Williams. Beveridge was in rood fort, and the others of the rink played well. Frazer was often the main stay of Dr.

Williams. The latter opened his score tally on the 5th end with a splendid four, the result of perfect trail shot. His consistency drove Pidgeon to the "drive" defence, which proved effective. Pidgeon won 26-20. J.

W. Collins (N.S.W.), whose rink was mainly responsible for the win in the first test. again played well, and with magnificent play by C. Abrams, his third, routed the redoubtable Maughan. Maughan WAS out of touch.

His leader. McHardie, was the best performer in the rink, and the best in that position in the two teams. Maughan was held to single scores, except for one four, and was beaten 30 to 14. The New South Wales team will be changed for to-day's match in three rinks, the reserves being called in. McNeill's rink will be unchanged.

The team Is: -W. Abram. 0. Moore (Orange), W. Judd, J.

W. Collins C. Chapman, S. Knox, W. Armitage.

G. Sargeant 8. Brown, G. Gartrell, G. A.

Langlands (Lithgow), P. Pidgeon C. Comins. T. Kinder, A.

Murray, C. McNeill WOMEN'S TENNIS. A SYDNEY TEAM BEATEN. SUBURBAN SIDE'S SUCCESS. Four of Sydney's leading women tennis players--Misses Joan Hartigan, Olive Stebbing, Thelma Rice, and C.

Bubb-were beaten by strong alde from the Sydenham- Bankstown Association at Canterbury yesterday. Sets were equal. but the home team won by four games- 4 sets 41 games to sets 37 games. The appearance of Miss Hartigan attracted A good attendance, but she was below her best form. At times her play was brilliant.

especially in the Anal set, when she took part in several fine forehand rallies with Miss V. Selwin. Miss Hartigan drove with her usual power, but her placing was Inaccurate. Het partner, Miss Bubb, was disappointing until the last set, when she drove with confidence and served accurately. Miss Stebbing gave the best display of her team, and repeatedly won applause with superb placements.

many of which left her opponents bewildered. Miss Rice partnered Mist Stebbing, and although erratic at times, drove vigorously and made numerous fine recoveries. The Sydenham-Bankstown team was consistent. Early in the match Miss E. Chrystal WAS outstanding, but later Miss D.

Garlick tound touch, and gave a talented display al the net. The team's accurate lobbing and placing were the deciding factor. Misses Hartigan and Bubb Misses D. Garlick and E. Chrystal.

3-8. 4-6: Mrs. R. McTaggett and Miss V. Selwin, 9-7.

6-2. Misses O. Stebbing and T. Rice Mrs. R.

McTaggett and Miss V. Selwin. 2-6. 6-4: Misses D. Garlick and E.


May 19. The United States Davis Cup committee today formally announced that W. Allison, 4. D. Budge, G.

Mako, and B. M. Grant would represent the United States against Australia in the American sone Anal. No announcement was made concerning who would appear in the singles or doubles. This Is not necessary until 24 hours before the matches.

Experts assume that Budge and Mako will play in the doubles, and Allison and Grant in the singles. WOMEN GOLFERS. BRITISH CHAMPIONSHIP. Miss Pam Barton's Good Form. LONDON, May 10.

Miss Marion Miley, 21-year-old daughter of a Kentucky professional, is the only American left in the British women's open golf championship. for which the 18-year-old Miss Pam Barton, -up for the last two vears. and a visitor to Australia last year. and Miss Bridget Newell, are now favourites. In the second round Miss Barton beat Mist Firth, 5 and 4: Mrs.

Dobell beat Mrs. Walker (winner of the last Australian championship. up: Miss Newell beat Miss Diana Fishwick. up; Miss Phyllis Wade (another of the visitors to Australia) beat Mrs. Beck, 3 and In the third round Miss Newell beat Mr.

Newton, 3 and Miss Barton beat Miss Glutting 3 and Miss Molly Gourlav beat Miss wade. 3 and 2. CRICKET IN ENGLAND. OUTRIGHT WINS. THREE CENTURY-MAKERS.

LONDON, May 19 No fewer than, six out of the eight fretclass cricket matches which ended to-dav were won outright. These included that of the M.C.C. (by 10 wickets) against All Indie. Smart (Glamorgan), 123. Climblett (Bomerset 160 not out.

and Ashdown (Kent), 131. were to-day's century-makers. M.C.C.. 382 and no wicket for 36, beat All India, 185 and 230 four for 681, by 10 -ickeLs Leicestershire, seven for 403 declared and wicket for 23. beat Sussex.

208 (Pren. dice tour for 301. by 10 wickets Hampshire. 270 and Pearce 235 Evens tout for four be15 Essex, 174 end 184 1 not out. Larson for 43), by 147 runs.

Glamorgan. 305 Smart 123 Duckheld 61: Juno alx for 111) beat Northamptonshirr, 249 wicket for 98 10t hy 36 on the Arst innings, Lancashire, seven for 402. and Ave tor 228 declared brat Romersel 257 ano nine tar 293 1Oimblett 180 not out. Barronch 561: Mobwood six for 961. by 145 runs out the Arst (P nines.

Kent. 218 and six for 344. declared 131. Faze 66. Wright 50 out: Paine nve for 1361.

beat. Warwick shire 316 and 116 I 1 six for by 130 runs. reported in yesterday A shire and Worcestershire had outright wins again Gloucestershire and Yorkshire respectively matches ending early on the third dev 11 he WALTER LINDRUM. BILLIARDS EXHIBITIONS. Walter Landrum the world's champion 511 liards player, will appear in exhibitions at David Jones' George-street store to-clay and 10- morrow.

The sessions all begin At 12.30 And 4.45, with an additional session at 1 inmorrow. There will be one session only--at It a.m.- on turday Lindrum. who will play against some of Sydney's leading amateurs, has announced his intention of making attack on the recotd break of present held by the English champion, Joe Davis. will also demonstrate trick shots with special commentary on the amount of spin to give the cue. latch TRANSPORT BUILDERS TO THE WORLD Dodge Trucks have played an important part for many years moving the preand raw materials of a busy commercial world.

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The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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